
Showing posts from August, 2021

What is in that Baby’s Diaper?

This is a story that gags me to tell, but it is too good to not let you all in! You guys that know me personally, know that I never had kids.  You also know that it literally gags me to see stuff on a kid's face like spaghetti, a smashed birthday cake, stuff running from the nose...etc..(gagging just thinking about it!).   You also know that I DO NOT CHANGE DIAPERS .  I can't - I'm sorry I just can't!  And I am a sympathy puker - if you puke there are going to be 2 clean-ups in Aisle 3!  And no, I cannot clean up after my doggies, either, George has to.  It is really an awful way to live! lol  I can tell you I have tried about 3 times in my life to change a diaper and none of them ended well.  All of them ended with me vomiting and thinking I will never recover! SO MY CHURCH (BRAT) STORY begins: Tiffany was a baby.  So we are looking at about 30 years ago!  I was in cosmetology at the time and we had been learning how to make, shape, and...

Jimmy and the Monkey

Full disclosure:  **Names  have been changed to protect the innocent! ** In all of our travels, we met up with a lot of people.  People from different backgrounds, both in the way they lived and in the churches they went to.  In all of the people I met, one of my favorites will always be Jimmy. Jimmy was hilarious.  He would laugh at things the way I do - at the wrong time and usually in the wrong place.  We were the best of friends.  We got in a lot of trouble together.   I wish everyone had a Jimmy to be friends with!  SO MY CHURCH (BRAT) STORY begins: In the church circuit, my parents were in, there was every kind of religion represented from Catholics to the Jesus-only snake handlers.   Now let me clarify - my parents NEVER handled snakes!   But, we had wonderful friends that were snake handlers that would come to the services (without the snakes). You could usually pick them out because their hairdos were tight buns on the back...